

* main works at Kengo Kuma & associates

Copyright © 2013 G architects studio All rights reserved.

pRC painting studioprc_detail.html
Olive Bay Hotel*olive_Bay_hotel_detail.html
Green Cast*green_cast_detail.html
Nezu Museum* / 根津美術館Nezu_detail.html
Garden Terrace Nagasaki* / ガーデンテラス長崎Garden_Terrace_detail.html
Design Bussan Nippon* / デザイン物産展ニッポンDesign_Bussan_detail.html
Cup & Saucer  designed by 12 architects* / 12人の建築家のカップ&ソーサー展Cup_%26_Saucer_detail.html
55 Houses* 西の家、東の家55Houses_detail.html
IZU ANNEX / 伊豆アネックスIzu_detail.html
Stair Case in Kanda / 街の階段室Stair_detail.html
Eggs of Mobius Science in Art Exhibition / メビウスの卵展 -芸術と科学の展覧会mebi_detail.html
Hair salon Stajarnastajarna_detail.html
Shed of leaf mobile / 葉っぱの涼屋leaf_detail.html
AKASAKA rental office/ 赤坂のレンタルオフィスakasaka_detail.html
tokyo LOFT/トーキョーロフトtokyoLOFT_detail.html
Wano head office Wano_detail.html
bico / 練馬の住拠bico_detail.html
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